Your Impact

You Should Have Access to High-Quality, Affordable Health Care
Everyone Should. But Not Everyone Does.
What if Indianapolis residents could receive top-notch, professional health care, regardless of their ability to pay? That’s where Shalom Health Care Center comes in.
Just like any health care office, Shalom provides comprehensive health care for patients of every age: primary care and OB/GYN services, acute care and chronic disease management, preventive screenings and immunizations.
Our mission is to improve the health of our community through affordable and personalized quality health care. So our health care professionals work together and with other providers to ensure that uninsured, underinsured, and low-income Indianapolis residents get the services they need.
Shalom patients pay for their care on a sliding fee scale based on income and family size. We work with our patients to make health care affordable, and at Shalom, no patient is turned away for their inability to pay.
You Can Help
As a 501(c)3 not-for-profit organization, Shalom relies on private grants and individual donations to help provide a professional clinic environment and operating funds to care for children, elderly patients, and hard-working uninsured adults. Here are some examples of how your gift makes a difference for our patients:
Shalom Supporters
We are able to continue the work we do, thanks to the generosity of many supporters. Federal, state, and local governments, public and private foundations, and individual donors support our work in many important ways.
- U.S. Department of Health and Human Services / Bureau of Primary Health Care
- Health and Hospital Corporation of Marion County
- Indiana Primary Health Care Association
- Indiana State Department of Health
- Indianapolis Public Schools
- Central Indiana Community Foundation
- Speedway School District
- Susan G. Komen Breast and Cervical Cancer Foundation
- The Health Foundation of Greater Indianapolis
- The Indianapolis Foundation
- The Richard M. Fairbanks Foundation
- Women’s Fund of Central Indiana and the Efroymson Family Fund
- AIDS United and Johnson & Johnson
- Wellpoint Foundation for CHANGE and American Cancer Society
We appreciate your interest in making a donation to Shalom Health Care Center’s mission. Please complete the below credit card information to submit your donation.